Ribbon and Paddle Blenders
ABSTER’S designs and manufactures ribbon blenders which are ideal for blending dry, free-flowing solids with bulk densities up to 28 kgs per cubic foot (1.1 g/cc) depending on material characteristics including, particle size, size distribution and particle shape (morphology), angle of repose, cohesiveness, and moisture level. Ribbon blenders are used for all dry foods products, nutraceuticals, protein powder mixes, dry juice mixes, chemicals, fertilizer, insecticides, colorants, resins and polymers. The moderate shear of the ribbon or paddle naturally breaks down lumps and agglomerates. Ribbon blenders are extremely efficient and economical.”
The double helical ribbon mixer design moves powder in two directions simultaneously and also rotationally to provide the mixing action. The inner helical ribbon mixer moves the solids toward the ends of the trough and the outer ribbons blades move solids toward the middle of the trough. When discharging the solids, the outer ribbons move the solids toward the center discharge valve.
Ribbon mixer blenders are effective down to about 25% of fill level. As long as both inner and outer ribbon flights are covered, the back and forth mixing action will occur.
Lumps and agglomerates cab be broken down by the addition of high-speed lump agitators mounted through the side wall of the trough.
Liquids can be added directly through the loading grate or with the addition of a liquid spray bar mounted along the length of the touch.
Jacketing can be added for heating or cooling of the solids. The movement of the solids against the wall provides good heat transfer with the solids.